Hi All,

Barry Drake recently joined the team and expressed an interest in
helping get the Debian sword packages in better shape.  This has
motivated me to also get more involved.

I have been added as an administrator to the Alioth project, and I have
created a new mailing list:


This list will receive commit notifications from the new Git repository.

There were three old Git repositories on Alioth (modules.git, sword.git,
and temp.git).  None has been touched in around 5 years.  I created an
ATTIC directory and moved the three old repositories into the ATTIC.  I
created a new sword.git repository, which has the package history going
back to version 1.5.3 (as create by invoking git-import-dscs with the
--debsnap option).

The new Git repository will send commit notifications with attached diff
to the above mailing list.  Please subscribe if you would like to
receive an email notification whenever someone pushes to the Git
repository on Alioth.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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