That's probably not true even for large organisations. If you have your 
(murder) infrastructure in place, you're not going to replace everything.

Anyway I think we should really push things forward. I was sleeping for some 
time, but I could probably throw some resourses to finishing the 2.3 version. 
BTW It will not hit squeeze anyway.

Ondrej Sury

On 2.9.2010, at 4:44, Benjamin Seidenberg <> wrote:

> On 09/01/2010 03:20 PM, Patrick Goetz wrote:
>> I'm guessing that most people who are upgrading a mail server are
>> upgrading the hardware, too.  
> Please provide a basis for that assertation. I think that that's
> probably true for large installations, but for many small
> businesses/organizations it is not.
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