
I'm cross-posting this mass-ITO, as most of the involved packages are
related to both subjects.

After a few years maintaining these packages, i'm no more interrested in
working on it and would like to deal with other Debian aspects/packages.
So now is time for me to let other people take care of them. I made a
few fixes recently, so they are all in a good shape for Lenny, and most
of the latest Debian packaging improvements are taken into account, so
my successor can focus on investigating upstream bugs and packaging
related softwares (replacing songwrite by songwrite2 for example, see

Here is the list:
  - arprpg / arkhart / worlded [game]: small RPG game with map editor
    (written in C++)
  - slune / balazar / balazarbrothers [python/game]: 3D race and
    adventure/puzzle games
  - songwrite [python]: guitar tablature editor and player
  - genetic [python]: genetic algorithms in Python
  - editobj / py2play / pyopenal / cerealizer / tofu / soya / soya-doc
    [python/game]: libs used in the python tools and games above

  - Arkhart was meant to be a demo for the game engine, and Arkhart2 be
    a rewrite with broader goals, but the latter version is still in early
    developpment after several years. So i guess this will never comes
    to reality, as the Nekeme association responsible for it is getting
    less and less active. Just don't expect any upstream support for
    this game.
  - Slune has got network game deactivated because of security problems
    in py2play (due to a wrong design), but removing py2play to
    reactivate it means breaking the main game loop and rewriting a lot
    of code, which nobody has done yet.
  - songwrite2 is a rewrite of songwrite using GTK instead of TCL/TK,
    among other improvements, which is still to be packaged
  - all these packages were done using CDBS

Feel free to ask any question. I'm now taking care of basic RC/security
maintenance until someone step for them, but no more.

Marc Dequènes (Duck)

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