On 24/03/2008, Robert Millan wrote:
> > KiBi plans to file a removal request (or already has). stratagus is
> > another duplicate (CCed).

#472277 and #472278.

> But if you just remove it, how will you handle upgrades?  We used to
> need a dummy package for that.

Well, last upload was in 200*4*. I don't expect people interested in
bos/stratagus not to know about boswars. 

> As for stratagus, this was the engine and not a duplicate game;  or
> I'm missing something?

In spirit, boswars = bos + stratagus. But I'm really unsure dummy
transition packages are appropriate, especially when the data package
takes 5 times more space; and when people initially interested in the
engine only will now get a dependency upon a huge data package.

AFAICT, that's not a trivial transition, and not supporting upgrades
from bos, stratagus, and stratagus-gl was done on purpose. But I welcome
any comments, of course.


Cyril Brulebois

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