On 05/10/2022 16:58, Christopher Obbard wrote:
Hi Arnaud,

Thanks for shedding the extra light. This is not a nice bug !

I think we should ask the systemd maintainer if they'd accept a patch
to make the enabling of systemd-resolved service a manual operation, or
at least to split the binary into a separate package, something like
systemd-standalone-resolved ?

Dear systemd maintainers,

the packages fakemachine & debos (which uses fakemachine) are facing an issue now that systemd-resolved was split in a separate package.

For the background: fakemachine is a program that spawns a QEMU VM that "mimics" the host. It does so mainly by mounting /usr from the host into the VM, plus a few other bits from here and there. For the network to work in the VM, it relies on systemd-networkd and systemd-resolved. These programs need to be present on the host, so that they are available in the VM.

For more details, you can just run "fakemachine" in a shell, then "ps fax | grep qemu" in another shell: you will see how fakemachine uses qemu.

So far, the package fakemachine Depends on systemd, and that was enough. Now with the split, and since we need systemd-resolved, we should make fakemachine Depend on systemd-resolved as well. However, and if I understand properly, installing systemd-resolved also *enables* it. A user installing the package is saying: I want name resolution to be done by systemd-resolved. Therefore it's not really suitable to put it in a Depend or a Recommend. fakemachine only needs the code from systemd-resolved (lib and binary, I suppose), but it definitely doesn't want to enable it: this decision belongs to the user.

Does that make sense so far?

I don't know how to solve best this situation. Maybe the the lib and binaries could go back into the systemd package, leaving only the "enablement" part in systemd-resolved?


Arnaud Rebillout / Offensive Security / Kali Linux Developer

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