On Friday, 8 July 2016 3:39:54 PM AEST Michael Hudson-Doyle wrote:
> I haven't tried it properly, but does this not limit the parallelism
> and slow builds by default?

Yes it does. Parallel build should be explicitly enabled by "--parallel"
passed to DH. I think we should make this change in order to make build 
system consistent.
Most packages would build marginally slower by default.
For few others it is not hard to add "--parallel" to "debian/rules".

Arguably ignoring parallel build options is a bug. dh-golang should have 
respected debhelper options from very beginning so I'm not too concerned 
about behaviour change. After all there will be a note in changelog about it 
and if you think it is not enough then we can even add a NEWS file.

> (I don't know how this works and
> apparently have not got around to reading up on it in the week since
> the bug was filed, so I'll ask a potentially silly question)

Debhelper takes care of parsing "--parallel" and "--max-parallel" so we just 
need to take value returned by "get_parallel()" and convert it into 
parameters to "go build" and to "go test" (I've forgotten to include similar 
change to "test()" function).

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


We often refuse to accept an idea merely because the way in which it has
been expressed is unsympathetic to us.
        -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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