Lucy, I think I hear Allie calling us tosupper. Edd, you forgot the turkey, said Lucy as they entered the lane.
Now look down along the edge of the water. Forty or fifty feet below helodged on a bench. Shore they seemlong because you have to go up an down, right over everythin. That horrid old bee stung me right on my nose, she burst out. It was an accident, confessed Lucy as she fearfully gazed below. Lucy, seeing that action, not talk, was imperative, got up, and randownhill right at him.
She alighted upon herback and began to shoot down.
But a quarter of an hour elapsedbefore any bees actually began to drop down over the smoking honey.
Clara leaned lovingly over her, and listened intently, and watched withsad, beautiful, wise eyes. An absolutely unaccountable and newspecies of fright assailed her. Her voice stirred scrape of chair and flying footsteps inside the tent. Whereupon they fell withhearty appetites upon the ample lunch Mrs. Suddenly she collided with something and stopped withterrific shock. Let go of me, so I can see you, said Lucy, breaking away from hersister. All right, country boy, Im coming, she replied, with bravado.
Then while Lucy sat down toeat he built a tiny fire out on the edge of the rock. Weird, moon-blanched, the great wall seemed to welcome her.
Eddpresently said he heard bees whizz by.
Still, she had resolved to go hervery limit, as a matter of pride.
On theunder side of this huge limb was a knot hole encrusted with a yellowsubstance. Wal, then, I mean some more fun, he corrected. Edd reached the other side without wetting afoot.
Black-tails, said Edd, and he raised his gun. Lucy raised on her elbows to mark the effect of this statement upon hercompanion.
Allshe had to do was to move fast to keep from falling. Assuredly she was going to find outsomething about herself when she could think it out.
Reckon because Ive caught an tamedqueen bees. Edd crossed the clearing and plunged into the forest.
Once on horseback again, Lucy began to feel free.
When Edd came to her at length,looking rather sheepish, Lucy glared at him. Indeed, she felt strong and eager to pursue the bee line to itsend.
The yellow ones arejackets, an she shore hates them. Lucy tried to ward off conviction that his absence was arelief.
In alarm Lucy struck at them with her gloves, whichshe carried in her hand. But a quarter of an hour elapsedbefore any bees actually began to drop down over the smoking honey.
As Edd paused to choose aplace to get down the steep declivity, Lucy had a moment to gaze abouther.
And Im going to see that Bert Hall goes withus.
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