On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 02:53:37PM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I found some libecw .deb package for Debian Etch
> > on http://www.cartoweb.org/cwiki/DebianPackages
> Those don't seem to be related to debian-gis, you might want to
> contact the person who created the source package, see this:
> http://dev.camptocamp.com/packages/debian/20070910/dists/etch/main/source/libecw/libecw_3.3-1c2c3.dsc
> > I need to install it on my Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS where
> > I previous installed the pmapper package with all
> > its dependancies (the Mapserver-bin discussed on this list)
> Firstly, you shouldn't contact Debian lists when dealing with issues
> on Ubuntu machines.
> Secondly, Ubuntu 6.06.1 is quite ancient, you really should upgrade.
> This will probably fix your libecw install issue too.
> Third, please post logs in English, so they can be understood.

And fourth, there's a pre-support for an ECW plugin available on
debian-gis svn since a few. It could be used with a 1.5.2 version
of gdal. But of course 6.06 is quite ancient and the stock gdal
is also old...

Francesco P. Lovergine

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