The annotated tag, debian/postgis-1.1.2-0bpo1@490 has been created
        at  e7ab8b73b62b18a2f325b45d933b1c6db793a6a7 (tag)
   tagging  f392025872db8866fc09d61b17631817055bbb58 (commit)
  replaces  debian/postgis-1.1.2-1
 tagged by  Francesco Paolo Lovergine
        on  Thu Jul 20 17:12:50 2006 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Changes for the sarge backport.

Fabio Tranchitella (1):
      Start backport of postgis-1.1.2-1 copying the tagged unstable release.

Francesco Paolo Lovergine (1):
      Changing root tree to a more reasonable name.


PostGIS for PostgreSQL

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