Le samedi 11 février 2012 à 00:09 +0100, Francesco P. Lovergine a
écrit :
> On Wed, Feb 01, 2012 at 09:57:39AM +0100, Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
> > Le mardi 31 janvier 2012 à 21:56 -0600, Steve M. Robbins a écrit :
> > > On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 04:41:06PM +0100, Sylvestre Ledru wrote:

> the right solution for me is fixing debian/shlibs.in in hdf5 to suggest
> the right combinatin of serial AND parallel flavors:
> libhdf5_cpp 7 libhdf5-@SONAME@
> libhdf5_fortran 7 libhdf5-@SONAME@
> libhdf5 7 libhdf5-@SONAME@ | libhdf5-openmpi-@SONAME@ | 
> libhdf5-mpich2-@SONAME@
> libh5test 7 libhdf5-@SONAME@ | libhdf5-openmpi-@SONAME@ | 
> libhdf5-mpich2-@SONAME@
> libhdf5_hl 7 libhdf5-@SONAME@ | libhdf5-openmpi-@SONAME@ | 
> libhdf5-mpich2-@SONAME@
> libhdf5_hl_cpp 7 libhdf5-@SONAME@ | libhdf5-openmpi-@SONAME@ | 
> libhdf5-mpich2-@SONAME@
> libhdf5hl_fortran 7 libhdf5-@SONAME@ | libhdf5-openmpi-@SONAME@ | 
> libhdf5-mpich2-@SONAME@
> Does it make sense? 
Looks like. Could you apply it and upload ?


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