On 05/10/2014 11:48 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 11:40:23AM +0200, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>>> Sorry for my stupid intervention.  However, if the files are not arch
>>> independent, they should not end up in /usr/share but rather /usr/lib.
>> Agreed, but this is not something I want to fix now.
>> I looked into this while I was working on -3, but decided to wait for
>> the 4.9.0 release to change this.
> So can you explain how it is organised that the correct files for the
> correct arch will end up in /usr/share?  I really think that it would be
> sensible to move the arch dependant files to /usr/lib and for instance
> go with symlinks to /usr/share if only single files are concerned.

That's what I had in mind. Generate the datumgrid files in
proj-data.postinst, placing them in /usr/lib/gdal/datumgrids and symlink
to /usr/share/gdal.

Another option is to keep the nad2bin run as part of the build, and
patch nad/Makefile.am to store the results under /usr/lib/gdal, and
create the symlinks in proj-data.links

> Kind regards
>        Andreas. 

Kind Regards,


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