Severity: normal
Usertags: transition
Control: block -1 by 889931 889936 876934
Control: forwarded -1

PROJ 5.0.0 has been released and bumps the SOVERSION from 12 to 13,
requiring a transition.

Almost all reverse dependencies rebuilt successfully with the new proj
packages from experimental (as summarized below), 

Please also schedule binNMUs for the affected packages in experimental
if those have not yet moved to unstable when the transition starts.

Transition: proj

 libproj12 (4.9.3-2) -> libproj13 (5.0.0-1~exp1)

The status of the most recent rebuilds is as follows.

 gpx2shp                 (0.71.0-4)                   OK
 libgeo-proj4-perl       (1.09-1)                     OK
 libgeotiff-dfsg         (1.4.2-2)                    OK
 octave-octproj          (1.1.5-3)                    OK
 ogdi-dfsg               (3.2.1+ds-1)                 OK
 pdl                     (1:2.018-2)                  OK
 proj-rdnap              (2008-7)                     OK
 python-cartopy          (0.14.2+dfsg1-2)             FTBFS (#889931)
 python-pyproj           (                  OK
 shapelib                (1.4.1-1)                    OK
 sosi2osm                (1.0.0-3)                    OK
 spatialite              (4.3.0a-5)                   OK
 survex                  (1.2.32-1)                   FTBFS (#889936)
 zygrib                  (8.0.1+dfsg.1-1)             OK

 gdal                    (2.2.3+dfsg-2)               OK
 magics++                (3.0.0-1)                    OK
 pyspatialite            (3.0.1-12)                   OK
 spatialite-gui          (2.0.0~devel2-8)             OK
 spatialite-tools        (4.3.0-2)                    OK

 cdo                     (1.9.3+dfsg.1-1)             OK
 dans-gdal-scripts       (0.24-1)                     OK
 grass                   (7.4.0-1)                    OK
 libosmium               (2.13.1-1)                   OK
 mapcache                (1.6.1-1)                    OK
 mapnik                  (3.0.18+ds-1)                OK
 mapserver               (7.0.7-1)                    OK
 merkaartor              (0.18.3+ds-2)                OK
 metview                 (5.0.0~beta.1-1)             OK
 ncl                     (6.4.0-4)                    OK
 openorienteering-mapper (0.7.0-1)                    FTBFS (#876934)
 pdal                    (1.6.0-1)                    OK
 postgis                 (2.4.3+dfsg-4)               OK
 qlandkartegt            (1.8.1+ds-8)                 OK
 qmapshack               (1.10.0-1)                   OK
 saga                    (2.3.1+dfsg-3)               OK
 sumo                    (0.32.0+dfsg1-1)             OK
 thuban                  (1.2.2-12)                   OK
 vtk6                    (6.3.0+dfsg1-11)             OK
 xastir                  (2.1.0-1)                    OK

 ifrit                   (4.1.2-5)                    OK
 node-mapnik             (3.6.2+dfsg-5)               OK
 osm2pgsql               (0.94.0+ds-1)                OK
 python-mapnik           (1:0.0~20170621-0cd7493f2-3) OK
 qgis                    (2.18.17+dfsg-1)             OK
 therion                 (5.4.1ds1-1)                 OK

Kind Regards,


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