>>>>> "MK" == Michael Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 MK> On Fri, Jan 18, 2008 at 04:59:41PM +0100, Anders Boström wrote:
 >> >>>>> "MK" == Michael Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 MK> Hmm, I tried with both, cacao and jamvm, locally and it just worked. I
 MK> can't really say what is/was wrong on your side. The debug output does
 MK> not look suspicious.
 MK> What window manager are you using? There might be an issue with window
 MK> manager hints.
 >> I'm using fvwm. Are you running amd64 with gcjwebplugin working? What
 >> window manager are you using?

 MK> I tried on i386 and amd64 with GNOME (with metacity), KDE and XFCE.

 >> Are there any tests I should perform in order to collect more info?

 MK> If you could use another window manager for testing that would be great.
 MK> It must perhaps be one that supports the new window manager hints spec.
 MK> I dont really know for sure.

OK, I used an 32-bit etch vncserver as X-server (running in a chroot)
with different window-managers to perform some testing. I still run
the same 64-bit iceweasel with gcjwebplugin and cacao.

window-manager          | result
none                    | not working
fvwm                    | not working
fvwm-gnome              | not working
icewm                   | not working
xfce4                   | not working

See also bug 459554 on java-gcj-compat-plugin. It seems to have the
same problem.

/ Anders

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