On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 Sandro Tosi wrote:

> I'd like to know what's the status of Eclipse, in particular for 3.4
> version, in Debian.

I like to know this as well.

> I saw from SVN weblog[1] some work was done for 3.4, but I see no
> upload after that: do you have a version to test? is an upload to
> experimental possible, so that we can start use the new version and
> give feedback?

I'm also very keen on feedback.  I have to pass a lesson which is
based on Eclipse 3.4 on behalf of my employer in the beginning of
December.  So I have three options:

   1. Test a (possibly inofficial) Debian package of 3.4 and perhaps
      try to work a little bit on it (but I have nearly zero Java and
      Eclipse knowledge - currently)
   2. Try to install directly from upstream (which is not helpful for
   3. Use a Win Laptop with Eclipse 3.4 provided by my employer (uhm ...)

I'd prefer option 1 - but what I really need is some information whether
this is a real option.

Kind regards



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