On Wed, 10 Dec 2008, Pantelis Koukousoulas wrote:

> * jsch is already in debian, version 1.37 should be fine and even copying the
> debian folder to 1.40 seems to  work ok so we are fine if we need the latest
> version too.

This is normally the case.  So if this package is just in Debian there is
even less sense in copying the source.  We should make sure that the existing
package also provides an eclipse plugin.

> * icu4j doesn't seem to be in debian but I already have 3.8.1 in my ubuntu
> ppa: http://launchpad.net/~pktoss/+archive
> In fact, the work for this was already done by someone wih the nick 
> rockwalrus)
> I have invited both him and the 2 eclipse teams in ubuntu to join this effort.

Sounds reasonable.

> As for a get-upstream-source target for eclipse's debian/rules I think
> we can just include
> the upstream zip file (the sourceIncluded one) verbatim. I think I 've seen 
> this
> done in other packages.

While this might work I do not regard this as the optimal solution.  I also did
not verified whether the upstream zip files just contains the source or also the
binary build result.  If the later is the case for my taste we should strip all
unneeded parts and provide *only* the source - but I'd like to hear comments on

> OTOH, fedora and gentoo seem to perform a large amount of massage/sanitizing
> to the source before building:
>  * Remove existing .so files
>  * Lots of misc sed'ing
>  * Fedora has its own launcher sources and a part of ecf too that is
> needed for building the SDK
>     (ecf-filetransfer). I think these need to go to the
>  * Removing various bundled external jars and symlinking them to
> their /usr/share/java equivalents

Sounds reasonable.  Perhaps we might steal some code from there for a 

> I wonder what would be the best way to handle this: Should we have a
> separate script in debian/
> that is called by a target in the rules file? Putting all this hackery
> to a makefile is just awful :-)

I always prefer a debian/get-orig-source script (which you might like to
call from a shell as an alternative) and call this out of the debian/rules

> For now, going after the goal of just getting 3.4.1 to build ok seems
> like a good plan.

I think so, too.

> Btw: the gentoo code is in
> svn co https://overlays.gentoo.org/svn/proj/java/chewi-overlay
> And the fedora code is in
> cvs co :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/pkgs/devel/eclipse

Would you volunteer to take this as a base for a debian/get-orig-source script?
I'd be able to test this and then we should commit it to svn.

Kind regards



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