On Tue, 16 Dec 2008, Pantelis Koukousoulas wrote:

>> So we should find out the latest version number of icu4j that would be
>> usable for Eclipse.  I rewrote the watch file to detect any new version
>> even if a major version change happened (which was not the case before)
>> - but I have to relay on your knowledge packaging which version makes
>> really sense.
> Well, the only thing I know for sure is that 3.8.1 works, since this
> is what Fedora uses.
> 4.0.0 might work, or it might not, but to find out we 'd need an
> eclipse package that
> uses icu4j which we currently don't have.
> (Or someone more familiar with icu4j and it's API could enlighten us)

Perhaps this is a perfect question for the Linux Distros project.  I have
to admit that I personally feel neither competent nor can I spend some
extra time to subscribe this list - but I hope anybody could link to
this project were I surely expect an answer to this question.

Kind regards



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