Source: commons-httpclient
Version: 3.1-10.2
Severity: important


"The Commons HttpClient project is now end of life, and is no longer
being developed. It has been replaced by the Apache HttpComponents
project in its HttpClient and HttpCore modules, which offer better
performance and more flexibility."

I think it would be best to retire this library during the Stretch
release cycle and to switch all reverse-dependencies to

The current list of r-deps:

* activemq
* ant-contrib
* biomaj
* commons-vfs
* ivy
* jajuk
* jakarta-jmeter
* jenkins
* jenkins-htmlunit
* jenkins-json
* jftp
* jspwiki
* libexml-java
* libjboss-common-java
* libowasp-antisamy-java
* libreoffice
* libspring-java
* maven-docck-plugin
* mule
* openid4java
* wagon
* wagon2

* axis
* eclipse
* jabsorb
* jackrabbit
* jets3t
* libopenws-java
* libxmlrpc3-java
* lucene-solr
* not-yet-commons-ssl
* spring-build
* triplea
* wsdl2c

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Please use for discussions and questions.

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