clone 821391 -1
reassign -1 src:tomcat8
retitle -1 tomcat8: postinst script overwrites file permissions in /etc

This bug also affects Tomcat 8.

I have prepared another security update and I intend to change the
current behavior in Jessie and Sid for new installations to avoid
similar breakage when upgrading Tomcat 8.

Currently tomcat8.postinst changes file ownership of all files in
/etc/tomcat8 to root:tomcat8. I think this isn't necessary because the
default is to use root:root (rw-r-r) which ensures that all
configuration files can still be read by Tomcat8. The only security
relevant file is /etc/tomcat8/tomcat-users.xml in the default Debian
configuration. I propose to modify only this one by changing the line

chown -Rh root:$TOMCAT8_GROUP /etc/tomcat8/*


chown root:$TOMCAT8_GROUP /etc/tomcat8/tomcat-users.xml

This should address the issue.


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