at bottom :-

On 11/01/2017, Emmanuel Bourg <> wrote:
> Le 11/01/2017 à 09:51, shirish शिरीष a écrit :
>> Looking forward to see the package which works with version 9.
>> While openjdk 9 would be available around the middle of the year from
>> If openjdk 9 is being provided in sid to test out things, it makes
>> sense to also provide openjfx for that as well.
> Hi Shirish,
> You are right, I plan to upgrade the openjfx package after the Stretch
> release, once the OpenJDK 9 transition starts. I don't know yet if it's
> preferable to upgrade the existing package, or create a new openjfx-9
> package.
> Emmanuel Bourg

I would suggest to have a new package so people who are on java 8
aren't disturbed. While people who want to test out the java 9 and
openjfx 9 can look at that direction.

As we would be hitting full-freeze tonight, if you do go that way,
then hit experimental and see if you can make a release there.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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