Hi everybody,

as you already know, there is a big number of node packages waiting in NEW. Does Debian really need all those packages?

node packages are rather small and often consist only of a few lines of code. From my point of view it is very unlikely that such packages will change over time, so their code will remain constant forever. More likely upstreams will add new features and pay no attention to backward compatible APIs.

In the node ecosystem everything is fine. Their developers use carets or tildes as dependency operators and just depened on the version of the API they really need.

In Debian such packages basically create two problems. They bloat the packages file, which prolongs the process of installing or updating packages. Further Debian only allows packages with one, the latest, version in the archive. So uploading packages with the newer API would make packages unusable, that still depend on the older API. Usually this is not recognized and suddenly packages in the archive won't work anymore. One could introduce versions within package names, but this would just multiply the number of node packages.

To answer my question from above: no, nobody needs these small packages.

But of course Debian wants to have packages with a certain functionality. Stuff like grunt, d3, babel and npm totally make sense to have.

So in order to reduce the number of node packages that appear in NEW and the archive one might lessen the Debian embedding policy.
What do you think about embedding ...
 - small modules that are not going to be changed and contain less than
   50 lines of code (this limit is totally arbitrary)
 - put together packages that belong together; I am not sure here, but
   wouldn't it be fine to have just one package node-d3 or node-babel
   that contains all corresponding modules (though their different versions
   might create problems in keeping track of them)?
In order to not lose track of the installed software, providing something like debian/modules.embedded might be nice to have?

As you know your tools best, can you please create a proposal of how you would like to handle maintenance in such a new situation?

Maybe we can already start by removing node-is-generator-fn, node-is-npm, node-is-unc-path and node-isstream and create a wiki page to keep track of all node modules that are candidates of being embedded?

Though I admit it might be a bit demotivating, we would like to REJECT all node packages currently in NEW and start as soon as possible with the new policy.

  Thorsten, on behalf of the ftpmasters

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