I think we should start Node.js 12 migration (with rollup, webpack,
> gulp,...), this will also fix some RC/FTBFS bugs, should we?
> I fixed a lot of failing autopkgtest errors (using [1] list), most of
> the remaining packages in this list will be fixed by node-iconv rebuild.

Agreed. Node-nodedbi is removed from testing, officially now. We can file a
(RC) bug against Node-srs for it to _not_ migrate, same for Node-millstone.
Nodejs transition is also required for acorn transition, from what I read
on the mailing list.

As it's been pending now, for a long time and there's not much to be done
except fixing these last 2-3 blockers, which will be removed (from testing)
Would it be a good time to start the transition?
If yes, It would be great to start in other transitions, :)

Thanks and regards
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