Le jeu. 12 mai 2022 à 08:50, Philip Hands <p...@hands.com> a écrit :

> Hi,
> I maintain openQA, which recently gained a dependency on (the currently
> unpackaged) shepherd.js.
> I therefore need to package that, and it seems that the right way to
> proceed is as part of the JS team, hence this request.
> I've already requested to join the Salsa group, and had a good look at
> the wiki pages about this stuff -- is there anything else I need to do?
> BTW If I need to ask newbie questions about packaging JS pacakges,
> where's the best place to do that: here, #debian-js, or somewhere else?

shepherd.js depends on a lot of packages, some of them might need to be
In any case, please don't bundle:
- tailwindcss
- svelte

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