Processing commands for

> merge 573475 573488
Bug#573475: Tries to overwrite x-kmymoney.xml file at install
Bug#573488: kmymoney2-common and kmymoney-common: error when trying to install 
Mismatch - only Bugs in same state can be merged:
Values for `package' don't match:
 #573475 has `kmymoney2';
 #573488 has `kmymoney-common,kmymoney2-common'

> tag 573475 + pending
Bug #573475 [kmymoney2] Tries to overwrite x-kmymoney.xml file at install
Added tag(s) pending.
> tag 573488 + pending
Bug #573488 [kmymoney-common,kmymoney2-common] kmymoney2-common and 
kmymoney-common: error when trying to install together
Added tag(s) pending.
End of message, stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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