I K N O W L E D G E 

Engineering, Procurement 
& Construction (EPC) Masterclass
 13 ? 15 October 2014 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

This 3 day intensive training includes deep water, difficult and high pressure 
oil and gas reservoirs developments. 

Furthermore, trainer will also highlight the challenges these Oil & Gas 
companies faced and how these can be overcome to ensure that the Projects are 
safe and delivered within budget, on time and meets the Client's requirements. 
Participants can add value and gain insights into the current challenges that 
arise in EPC Projects.


?Trainer is a true professional who applied state of the art project management 
skills to lead a multinational workforce in a difficult area of the world 
(Tengiz, Kazakhstan).?

-Chief Machinery Engineer, ExxonMobil

?Trainer successfully project managed the compression and associated packages 
for the MSR/Sana 15000 FPF semi-submersible (?Spirit of Columbus.). The 
packages were delivered within the contract delivery time, in time to be loaded 
onto the semi-submersible, prior to float out, within the contract value and to 
MSR.s satisfaction. Trainer also gave invaluable assistance with the power 
generation packages for the SANA project as well as assisting with other 
topside packages.?

? Group Engineering Manager, Midland & Scottish Resources.



1.      Project Manager for Parsons Fluor Daniels (PFD) for the Sour Gas 
Injection Project (SGI) for Chevron (ExxonMobil was also a partner) for Tengiz 
Kazakhstan. This was the world.s first 10,000 psig sour gas injection project

2.      Deputy Project Manager and Engineering Manager for Parsons for the ADCO 
Bu Hasa Development Project in Abu Dhabi. 

3.    Consultant for McDermott Marine Construction Ltd to ETPM and Bouygues 
Offshore for Elf Exploration, Angola, Girassol, FPSO Deep-water (1,350 meters) 
Development. This at the time was one of the largest FPSOs for the deepest 

4.      Package Project Manager for a major part of the production facilities 
of the 15000 FPF .Spirit of Columbus. for MSR, which at the time was the 
largest Floating Production Facility in the world."

Trainer?s Client List

- ExxonMobil

- Shell

- Chevron

- Texaco


- Gulf Keystone Petroleum

- Warwick Energy Limited

- Canadian Petroleum UK Ltd

- Siwa Petroleum Ltd

- Hindustan Petroleum

- Brovig-RDS

- Parsons International Ltd

- Parsons Fluor Daniel

- McDermott Marine Construction Ltd

- Bouygues Offshore

(Call in for Customized In House Training Solutions & Save up to 30% & Above)

For more information & registration
To request e-brochure and find out more about this event, please email to 
hai...@ik-trainings.com with subject title "Brochure-EPC" or contact Hailey at 
+603 7651 1066



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