Package: kaffeine
Version: 2.0.5

I have upgraded my Raspberry PI from jessie to stretch today.
Everything went - more or less - well.

Kaffeine was upgraded to Version 2.0.5-1.

This seems to make a huge problem.
I have configured DVB-S(2) with a DiseQ Switch as follows :
A = Astra 19,2 East
B = Hotbird 13 East
C = Astra 23,5 East
D = Astra 28,2 East

Everything works as expected (Satellites B,C,D are fine), but A (Astra 19,2) Degrees East seems to be never selected. When I want to search for the Channels with the default scanfile.dvb it stops after a few seconds.

Then i have modified the scanfile.dvb to include some other frequencies to search for. The result was, that on "Astra 19,2" i found a lot of channels, that are for sure not on that satellite.
(I guess, they were from Hotbird 13)

After that I have downgraded Kaffeine this way :
 apt policy kaffeine
 apt install kaffeine=1.2.2-3+b2
 apt-mark hold kaffeine
(Still had the repositories for Jessie activated)

With the old version all 4 Satellites can be viewed again.

USB Reciever :
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0572:6831 Conexant Systems (Rockwell), Inc. DVBSky S960 DVB-S2 tuner

Kernel :

I dont know exactly, if this is the correct place for this bug report. (raspbian = debian, does it ?!?) But for me it is obvious, that the problem will be there in "real" debian stretch too.
If I am wrong here, pls. tell me.


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