On Saturday 02 November 2013 23:25:57 peter green wrote:
> Finally has there been any discussion with other linux distros. This is
> obviously something that impacts the ABI in a big way so ideally it's
> not something where we want different distros doing different things.

I have asked in Qt's dev ML, #fedora-arm, #fedora-kde and #opensuse-kde.

So far:

- sailfish will keep qreal = float (thay already shipped their SDK).
- One maintainer from fedora told me they will switch armhf (the only official 
arm port) without soname bump, but another one told me the contrary
- I have not received a reply from OpenSuse people.

I still have to ask an Ubuntu maintainer what are they planning to do.

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

<des> lo que conseguís != lo que buscás
<des> por regla general
<des> lo importante es que:
(lo que buscas - lo que conseguís)/lo que buscas ~= 1

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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