On Monday 22 December 2014 11:51:27 Harald Sitter wrote:
> ahoy ahoy,
> now that libnm-qt is a framework upstream (name-wise and release
> scope-wise) while it used to be a plasma library, what do we do with
> the repo?
> just to get everyone on the same page: right now the repo is at
> pkg-kde/plasma/libnm-qt.git though as a framework it should be
> pkg-kde/frameworks/libnm-qt.git
> options:
> - clone the repo under pkg-kde/frameworks/libnm-qt.git
> - symlink (does that even work? :O)
> - move
> - leave where it is (:O)

Symlinking and/or moving it should work, although I would keep the symlink at 
least until Jessie becomes oldstable.

Maybe moving and symlinking to the original place is the best option.

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  Linus Benedict Torvalds.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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