On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 09:48:31AM -0500, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> hi Mike and other mozilla maintainers for debian.
> I submitted https://bugs.debian.org/739395 to xul-ext-noscript,
> proposing a default search provider which is DuckDuckGo's non-javascript
> interface.  David Prévot suggested that i ask for its inclusion into the
> iceweasel package directly.
> I'm attaching an updated version of the file that would be placed in
> /etc/iceweasel/searchplugins/common/ddg-nojs.xml
> Is there interest in shipping this in the iceweasel package directly?

If we start doing this for ddg, we'd need to do this for all the others
where it's possible. Multiplying the number of search engine and
creating confusion to users is not the best use of resources imho.

That being said, that's something ddg should be fixing themselves. If I
disable javascript and use the default search engine, i still get
results. With ddg, i get a useless result page. Actually, with every
search engine we ship by default i get results, except ddg.


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