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Dear all,

We are looking for a good offer on following C&F Rotterdam, payment LC

Nileperch filets 6 kg IWP
300-500 25 tons
500-1000  25 tons
1000-2000 10 tons

Nileperch WG IWP
1-3 kg 10 tons
3-7 kg 5 tons

Nileperch HG IWP
1-3 kg 10 tons
3-7 kg 25 tons

Kind regards,

Bertus Brouwer

Bonesca Import en Export B.V.

Schulpengat 9
8321 WC URK
The Netherlands
Tel : +31 (0) 527 701063
Direct line : +31 (0) 527680781
e-mail : ber...@bonesca.nl
web : www.bonesca.nl

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