On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 2:35 PM, Fabian Greffrath <fab...@greffrath.com> wrote:
> Dear Rogerio,
>> As I am a brand new dad, I want to transcode videos of my newborn son to
>> formats that other family members can see and the first thought of mine
>> was to do the job with handbrake.
> First of all, congratulations to you new-born child!

Yes, congratz!

>> Would you be interested in the work that I have done so far? Please, keep
>> in mind that it is *incomplete* and very *dirty*, but a start, at least. :)
> I have once - not that long ago, actually - myself tried to get it built
> cleanly. But I failed and finally gave up for the reasons described in
> this post and the one following it:
> <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-multimedia-maintainers/2012-February/024217.html>
> I wish you better luck and patience. ;)
> However, please feel free to open a GIT repo for it and share your work
> with us!

Yes, feel free to push your work to the git repos.

>  - Fabian
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~ Andres

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