On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 07:01:09PM +0100, Alessio Treglia wrote:
> Folks,
> If you want to add some last bits, please do it by tomorrow morning,

I updated the mplayer2 section and added mplayer to the dropped section (I also
slightly edited the mpv description). They all probably need some proof-reading

Also, I noticed that a lot of the changes mentioned are mostly relevant to
wheezy (e.g. lame, x264, libav, xvidcore, ...), so maybe the fact that the
changes presented are not only relevant to jessie should be mentioned (the first
paragraph kinda does this, but IMO it's not very clear).

Also^2, the libav section IMO should be more about what version are we going to
release and what new changes it brings since wheezy. This can be compiled from
libav release notes [0] [1] [2], though I'll leave that to the libav maintainer
judgment. The fact that we switched from ffmpeg is, I think, pretty clear to
everyone already.

> I'd intend to mail it in the early afternoon.

Will you send a draft to this list before that?


[0] http://libav.org/releases/libav-9.17.release
[1] http://libav.org/releases/libav-10.5.release
[2] http://libav.org/releases/libav-11.release

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