On 07/19/2017 02:37 PM, Jaromír Mikeš wrote:
> 2017-07-19 13:11 GMT+02:00 IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) <
> umlae...@debian.org>:
>> On 2017-07-19 10:36, Jaromír Mikeš wrote:
>>> 1) package is renamed from gwc (gnome-wave-cleaner) to gtk-wave-cleaner
>>> what leads to some issues
>> just out of curiosity, why must the package be renamed?
>> upstream's project name is still "gwc" [1], which happens to be an
>> acronym of gtk-wave-cleaner as well.
>> afaiu, the source code repository [2] uses 'gwc' as well.
>> so i don't really see the point of introducing a package rename.
>> instead i would just change the package description
> Also binary is renamed 

hmm, before the "gwc" package had a "gnome-wave-cleaner" binary (so the
package name differs from the binary name, but is an abbreviation), and
now it would have a "gtk-wave-cleaner"  (so the package name still
differs from the binary name, and is still an abbreviation).
i honestly fail to see how this would warrant a package rename.

> and install path with "package_name" .... somehow
> renaming package is solving many minor issues.

at the expanse of creating a transition and confusing users :-(


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