On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 2:43 PM, James Cowgill <jcowg...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> As you've probably seen, the Debian Gitlab instance salsa.debian.org is
> up and running (in beta). Since alioth.debian.org is deprecated and
> might be disabled soon, we need to migrate things over to salsa.


> This is what I propose. I posted it on IRC, but for more discussion I'm
> posting it to the mailing lists now.
> salsa.debian.org team
> ===
> A group on salsa.debian.org has been created here:
> https://salsa.debian.org/multimedia-team
> Existing members of the alioth team have not been migrated over which
> should help prune inactive members. Anyone who was a member of the
> alioth team can click the "Request Access" button and an someone will
> approve you.
> Usually, team members who are DDs are given "Owner" permissions in the
> group and other members are given "Master" permissions.

I have no problem with this rule. We can revisit later if needed.

> When creating a new project:
> * The project name should be the same as the source package name.

This is the same policy as currently, so no change here.

> * "Issues" should be disabled (use the BTS instead).

This has been done by default on salsa. So new projects will get issues
disabled by default.

> * A commit notification hooks should be setup (see below).
> New Vcs-* URLs:
> ```
> Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/multimedia-team/package.git
> Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/multimedia-team/package
> ```
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2017/12/msg00003.html
> https://wiki.debian.org/Salsa/Doc
> New maintainer address
> ===
> There is not going to be a replacement for alioth mailing lists, so we
> are going to switch back to using "debian-multime...@lists.debian.org"
> as the mailing list used in the Maintainer field of all packages.
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2017/09/msg00004.html

OK with me.

> Commit notifications
> ===
> The commit mailing list is also on alioth and will soon be disabled.
> This is replaced by the "Emails on push" integration on salsa which
> sends emails to tracker.debian.org which you can subscribe to. This
> needs to be enabled manually per project.
> See: https://wiki.debian.org/Salsa/Doc#Email_notifications
> IRC notifications can be enabled using Irker. Again this needs to be
> enabled manually per project.
> See: https://wiki.debian.org/Salsa/Doc#IRC_notifications
> Automation
> ---
> Enabling these should probably be automated and checked using the GitLab
> API because inevitably someone will forget to enable it in a repository.
> Eg for "Emails on push":
> https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/services.html#emails-on-push
> ```
> curl -X PUT -H "Private-Token: $GITLAB_API_PRIVATE_TOKEN" -F
> "recipients=dispatch+${package}_...@tracker.debian.org"
> https://salsa.debian.org/api/v4/projects/multimedia-team%
> 2F${package}/services/emails-on-push
> ```
> Migration
> ===
> Migration of the maintainer email address can start immediately. New
> packages can also immediately start hosting their VCS on salsa.debian.org.
> For existing packages, I propose:
> - Wait until salsa.debian.org is declared stable (expected at the end of
> January)
> - Announce to the lists before migration starts
> - Set all repositories on alioth read-only (eg using a git pre-receive
> hook)
> - Migrate everything to salsa using Christoph Berg's import script:
> http://www.df7cb.de/blog/2017/Salsa_batch_import.html

We can add the email on push + irker notifications to the script here.

> At this point we should attempt to upload all packages at least once
> before the mailing list on alioth is disabled. Unfortunately this is a
> lot of work, so I am quietly hoping there will be an alternative
> solution for this so we don't loose bug reports sent to the old
> maintainer address.

It appears some people are working on providing a replacement for the
alioth lists, as a stop-gap for a release cycle or so:



Felipe Sateler
pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list

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