The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit c558195600c4cb91793dc10dcdfe8f321b92482c
Author: Sylvain Le Gall <>
Date:   Thu Aug 4 09:19:00 2011 +0000

    Add debian/watch parser and a prototype for oasis-db

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index d928205..976b27d 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -2,3 +2,5 @@ _build
diff --git a/_oasis b/_oasis
index f461aa0..433111b 100644
--- a/_oasis
+++ b/_oasis
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Synopsis:    Parse debian files
 Authors:     Sylvain Le Gall
 License:     LGPL-2.1 with OCaml linking exception
 Plugins:     DevFiles (0.2), META (0.2), StdFiles (0.2)
+BuildTools:  ocamlbuild 
 Library "debian-formats"
   Path:            src
@@ -14,12 +15,19 @@ Library "debian-formats"
-                   DFChangelog
+                   DFChangelog,
+                   DFWatch
   BuildDepends: extlib, str, mikmatch_pcre
+Document "api-debian-formats"
+  Title:   API reference for DebianFormats
+  InstallDir: $htmldir/debian-formats
+  XOCamlbuildPath: src/
+  XOCamlbuildLibraries: debian-formats
+  BuildTools+: ocamldoc
 Executable test
   Path:       test
-  BuildTools: ocamlbuild
   Install:    false
   BuildDepends: debian-formats, oUnit
@@ -29,3 +37,20 @@ Test main
   TestTools: test
   WorkingDirectory: test/data
+Flag "examples"
+  Description: Build and test examples
+  Default: false
+Executable "proto_oasis"
+  Path:         examples/proto_oasis
+  MainIs:
+  BuildDepends: debian-formats, curl, pcre, fileutils, archive.lwt, oasis, 
bz2, lwt.preemptive, threads
+  Install:      false
+  Build$:       flag(examples)
+  CompiledObject: best
+Test "proto_oasis"
+  Command:   $proto_oasis
+  TestTools:  proto_oasis
+#  Run$:       flag(examples)
+  Run: false
diff --git a/_tags b/_tags
index 5d64689..6d0c1a0 100644
--- a/_tags
+++ b/_tags
@@ -19,3 +19,4 @@
 "src/": syntax_camlp4o
+"src/": syntax_camlp4o
diff --git a/examples/proto_oasis/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0539fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/proto_oasis/
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+open Curl
+open Lwt
+let with_fn_out fn f = 
+  let chn = open_out fn in
+    try 
+      let res = f chn in
+        close_out chn;
+        res
+    with e ->
+      close_out chn;
+      raise e
+let with_fn_in fn f = 
+  let chn = open_in fn in
+    try 
+      let res = f chn in
+        close_in chn;
+        res
+    with e ->
+      close_in chn;
+      raise e
+let with_curl f =
+  let c = Curl.init () in
+    try 
+      let res = f c in
+        Curl.cleanup c;
+        res
+    with e ->
+      Curl.cleanup c;
+      raise e
+module ODBMessage =
+  let info ~ctxt fmt = 
+    Printf.ksprintf
+      (fun str -> return (prerr_endline ("I: "^str)))
+      fmt
+  let debug ~ctxt fmt =
+    Printf.ksprintf
+      (fun str -> return (prerr_endline ("D: "^str)))
+      fmt
+  let warning ~ctxt fmt = 
+    Printf.ksprintf
+      (fun str -> return (prerr_endline ("W: "^str)))
+      fmt
+module S = 
+  let use sqle f =
+    f ()
+  let execute () fmt =
+    Printf.ksprintf 
+      (fun str -> 
+         Printf.eprintf "SQL: %s\n" str; 
+         return ())
+      fmt
+  let transaction () f =
+    f ()
+module ODBOASIS =
+  let from_string ~ctxt ?fn str = 
+    let ctxt = 
+      {!OASISContext.default with 
+           OASISContext.
+           ignore_plugins = true;
+           ignore_unknown_fields = true}
+    in
+      OASISParse.from_string ~ctxt ?fn str
+module Context =
+  type t = 
+      {
+        sqle : unit;
+      }
+  let default = 
+    {
+      sqle = ();
+    }
+module ODBCurl = 
+  let download_if_new url fn = 
+    let fn_etag = fn^".etag" in 
+    let cur_etag = 
+      if Sys.file_exists fn then
+        begin
+          try 
+            let chn = 
+              open_in fn_etag
+            in
+            let res = 
+              String.make (in_channel_length chn) '\000'
+            in
+              really_input chn res 0 (String.length res);
+              close_in chn;
+              Some res
+          with _ ->
+            None
+        end
+      else
+        None
+    in
+    let etag_regex = 
+      ignore "(*";
+      Pcre.regexp "ETag: \"(.*)\""
+    in
+    let write_fun chn str =
+      output_string chn str;
+      String.length str
+    in
+    let header_fun str =
+      let () = 
+        try 
+          let substr = 
+            Pcre.exec ~rex:etag_regex str
+          in
+          let etag =
+            Pcre.get_substring substr 1
+          in
+            with_fn_out fn_etag
+              (fun chn ->
+                 output_string chn etag)
+        with Not_found ->
+          ()
+      in
+        String.length str
+    in
+    let fn_tmp = 
+      fn^".tmp"
+    in
+      catch 
+        (fun () -> 
+           with_fn_out fn_tmp
+             (fun chn ->
+                with_curl
+                  (fun c ->
+                     Curl.set_url c url;
+                     Curl.set_followlocation c true;
+                     begin
+                       match cur_etag with 
+                         | Some etag ->
+                             Curl.set_httpheader c 
+                               [Printf.sprintf 
+                                  "If-None-Match: \"%s\""
+                                  etag]
+                         | None ->
+                             ()
+                     end;
+                     Curl.set_headerfunction c header_fun;
+                     Curl.set_writefunction c (write_fun chn);
+                     Curl.perform c;
+                     match Curl.get_httpcode c with 
+                       | 200 ->
+                           return true
+                       | 304 ->
+                           return false
+                       | n ->
+                           fail 
+                             (Failure 
+                                (Printf.sprintf "Unexpected HTTP code %d" n))))
+             >|= fun is_new ->
+             begin
+               if is_new then 
+                 begin
+                   (* TODO: lwt version of this *)
+                   FileUtil.rm [fn];
+          fn_tmp fn;
+                 end
+               else
+                 begin
+                   FileUtil.rm [fn_tmp]
+                 end;
+               is_new
+             end)
+        (fun e ->
+           FileUtil.rm [fn; fn_tmp; fn_etag];
+           fail e)
+open ExtLib
+open DebianFormats
+type uri = string
+type filename = string
+type t = 
+    {
+      deb_force:  bool;
+      deb_mirror: uri;
+      deb_dist:   string;
+      deb_distro: string;
+      deb_tmpdir: filename;
+    }
+module SetString = Set.Make(String)
+let download_uri ~ctxt uri fn = 
+ ~ctxt "Start downloading '%s'" uri
+  >>= fun () ->
+  ODBCurl.download_if_new uri fn
+  >>= fun res ->
+ ~ctxt "End downloading '%s'" uri
+  >|= fun () ->
+  res
+let download_uri_exists ~ctxt uri fn =
+  if Sys.file_exists fn then
+    return ()
+  else
+    begin
+      download_uri ~ctxt uri fn
+      >>= fun (is_new : bool) ->
+      return ()
+    end
+let find_fn bn fn = 
+  ArchiveLwt.Read.create (`Filename fn)
+  >>= fun arch ->
+  begin
+    let rec find lst = 
+      try 
+        List.find 
+          (fun fn -> 
+             not (ArchiveLwt.Read.is_directory arch fn) &&
+             FilePath.basename fn = bn) 
+          lst
+      with 
+        | Not_found when lst <> [] ->
+            let lst = 
+              List.fold_left
+                (fun acc fn ->
+                   if ArchiveLwt.Read.is_directory arch fn then
+                     begin
+                       let lst' = 
+                         List.rev_map 
+                           (FilePath.concat fn)
+                           (Array.to_list (ArchiveLwt.Read.readdir arch fn))
+                       in
+                         List.rev_append lst' acc
+                     end
+                   else
+                     acc)
+                []
+                lst
+            in
+              find lst
+        | e ->
+            raise e
+    in
+      try 
+        begin
+          let fn = 
+            find (Array.to_list (ArchiveLwt.Read.readdir arch ""))
+          in
+            ArchiveLwt.Read.content arch fn 
+            >|= fun ctnt ->
+            Some ctnt
+        end
+      with Not_found ->
+        begin
+          return None
+        end
+  end
+(* Update available package list *)
+let update_packages ~ctxt t pkg_lst = 
+  Lwt_list.fold_left_s 
+    (fun acc e -> 
+       try 
+         let fn, _, _ = 
+           Source.filename e `Tarball 
+         in
+         let uri = URI.pool t.deb_mirror e fn in
+         let tarball_fn = 
+           FilePath.make_filename
+             [t.deb_tmpdir;
+              "pool";
+              FilePath.add_extension
+                ( ^"-"^ (Version.upstream e.Source.version) ^ 
+                (FilePath.get_extension fn)]
+         in
+           download_uri_exists ~ctxt uri tarball_fn
+           >>= fun () ->
+           find_fn "_oasis" tarball_fn 
+           >|= 
+             function
+               | Some oasis_ctnt ->
+                   let oasis =
+                     ODBOASIS.from_string ~ctxt oasis_ctnt 
+                   in
+                     (`Sure (oasis, e)) :: acc
+               | None ->
+                   (`Unsure e) :: acc
+       with Not_found ->
+         ODBMessage.warning ~ctxt 
+           "No tarball found for %s" 
+         >|= fun () ->
+        acc)
+    []
+    pkg_lst
+    >>= fun inject_pkg ->
+    (* TODO: fix unsure packages when they have already been dealt with *)
+    S.use ctxt.Context.sqle
+      (fun db ->
+         S.transaction db
+           (fun () ->
+              S.execute db 
+                "DELETE FROM distro_pkg WHERE distro = %s" t.deb_distro
+              >>= fun () ->
+              S.execute db 
+                "DELETE FROM distro_pkg_unsure WHERE distro = %s" t.deb_distro
+              >>= fun () ->
+              Lwt_list.iter_s
+                (function
+                   | `Sure (oasis, e) ->
+                       Lwt_list.iter_s
+                         (fun (bin, _) ->
+                            S.execute db
+                              "INSERT INTO distro_pkg(distro, distro_src, 
distro_bin, pkg, ver) \
+                               VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
+                              t.deb_distro 
+                              bin
+                              (
+                              (OASISVersion.string_of_version                  
+                                 oasis.OASISTypes.version))
+                         e.Source.binary
+                   | `Unsure e ->
+                       Lwt_list.iter_s
+                         (fun (bin, _) ->
+                            S.execute db
+                              "INSERT INTO distro_pkg_unsure(distro, 
distro_src, distro_bin, ver) \
+                               VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"
+                              t.deb_distro
+                              bin
+                              (Version.upstream e.Source.version))
+                         e.Source.binary)
+                inject_pkg))
+(** Update watch files *)
+let update_watches ~ctxt t pkg_lst =
+  Lwt_list.iter_s 
+    (fun e ->
+       try 
+         let fn, _, _ = 
+           Source.filename e `Diff
+         in
+           if String.ends_with fn ".debian.tar.gz" then
+             begin
+               let uri = URI.pool t.deb_mirror e fn in
+               let diff_fn = 
+                 FilePath.make_filename
+                   [t.deb_tmpdir;
+                    "pool";
+           ^"-"^ (Version.noepoch e.Source.version) ^ 
+               in
+                 download_uri_exists ~ctxt uri diff_fn 
+                 >>= fun () ->
+                 find_fn "watch" diff_fn 
+                 >|= 
+                   function
+                     | Some watch_ctnt ->
+                         (* TODO: inject *)
+                         prerr_endline watch_ctnt
+                     | None ->
+                         ()
+             end
+           else
+             return ()
+       with Not_found ->
+         ODBMessage.debug ~ctxt "No diff found for %s"
+    pkg_lst
+let update ~ctxt t = 
+  let fn = 
+    Filename.concat t.deb_tmpdir (t.deb_distro^"-sources")
+  in
+  let fn_bz2 = 
+    fn^".bz2"
+  in
+    download_uri ~ctxt (URI.sources t.deb_mirror t.deb_dist `Main) fn_bz2 
+    >>= fun is_new ->
+    (* TODO: build a list of extra packages *)
+    return SetString.empty
+    >>= fun extra_set ->
+    (* TODO: build a package of ignored packages *)
+    return SetString.empty
+    >>= fun ignore_set ->
+    begin
+      if is_new || t.deb_force then
+        begin
+ ~ctxt "File '%s' is new" fn_bz2
+          >>= fun () ->
+          (* Decompress Source.bz2 *)
+          Lwt_preemptive.detach 
+            (fun () ->
+               with_fn_in fn_bz2
+                 (fun chn_bz2 ->
+                    with_fn_out fn
+                      (fun chn_out ->
+                         let chn_bz2' = Bz2.open_in chn_bz2 in
+                           try 
+                             let len = 4096 in
+                             let buf = String.make len '\000' in
+                             let read () = chn_bz2' buf 0 len in
+                             let byte_read = ref (read ()) in
+                               while !byte_read = len do 
+                                 output_string chn_out buf;
+                                 byte_read := read ()
+                               done;
+                               output chn_out buf 0 !byte_read;
+                               Bz2.close_in chn_bz2'
+                           with e ->
+                             Bz2.close_in chn_bz2';
+                             raise e)))
+            ()
+          >>= fun () ->
+          (* Extract ocaml packages from Sources *)
+          Lwt_preemptive.detach 
+            (fun () ->
+               with_fn_in 
+                 fn
+                 (fun chn ->
+                    let rlst = 
+                      ref []
+                    in
+                    let _i: unit list = 
+                      Source.parse 
+                        (fun e ->
+                           if (e.Source.section = "ocaml" || 
+                               SetString.mem extra_set) &&
+                              not (SetString.mem ignore_set) then
+                             rlst := e :: !rlst)
+                        (IO.input_channel chn)
+                    in
+                      !rlst))
+            ()
+          >>= fun lst ->
+          update_packages ~ctxt t lst
+          >>= fun () ->
+          update_watches ~ctxt t lst
+        end
+      else
+ ~ctxt "File '%s' has not changed" fn_bz2
+    end
+let () = 
+  let () =
+    Curl.global_init CURLINIT_GLOBALNOTHING
+  in
+  let default = 
+    {
+      deb_force  = true;
+      deb_mirror = "";;
+      deb_dist   = "unstable";
+      deb_distro = "debian-unstable";
+      deb_tmpdir = "tmp/";
+    }
+  in
+      (update ~ctxt:Context.default default);
+    Curl.global_cleanup ()
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..850089f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+open DFUtils
+open ExtLib
+let parse ch = 
+  let rec parse () = 
+    try 
+      match IO.read_line ch with 
+        | RE bol space* "#" ->
+            parse ()
+        | RE bol space* "$" ->
+            parse ()
+        | RE bol space* (_* as str) ->
+            begin
+              let rec cont_line str = 
+                if String.ends_with str "\\" then
+                  begin
+                    (String.rchop str) ^
+                    (try 
+                       cont_line (IO.read_line ch)
+                     with IO.No_more_input ->
+                       "")
+                  end
+                else
+                  str
+              in
+              let full_line =
+                cont_line str 
+              in
+                full_line :: parse ()
+            end
+        | _ -> 
+            assert false
+    with IO.No_more_input ->
+      []
+  in
+    parse ()
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 547f70c..fe0e9cf 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ type version = string
 type vpkg = (string * (string * string) option)
 type veqpkg = (string * (string * string) option)
 type architecture = string
+type md5sum = Digest.t
+type sha1 = string
+type sha256 = string
+type file_size = int64
+type filename = string
 let default dflt f1 f2 fld = 
@@ -29,6 +34,26 @@ let default dflt f1 f2 fld =
+module Version = 
+  let noepoch ver = 
+    try 
+      snd (String.split ver ":")
+    with Invalid_string ->
+      ver
+  let upstream ver = 
+    try 
+      fst (String.split (noepoch ver) "-")
+    with Invalid_string ->
+      ver
+  let is_native ver =
+    String.contains ver '-'
 module Release = 
   type t = 
@@ -42,9 +67,9 @@ struct
         architecture: string;
         component : string;
         description: string;
-        md5sums: (string * string * string) list;
-        sha1: (string * string * string) list;
-        sha256: (string * string * string) list
+        md5sums: (md5sum * file_size * string) list;
+        sha1:    (sha1   * file_size * string) list;
+        sha256:  (sha256 * file_size * string) list;
   let parse ch =
@@ -80,22 +105,40 @@ struct
   type t = 
         name : name;
-        version : version;
-        binary : vpkg list;
-        build_depends : (vpkg * (bool * architecture) list) list list;
-        build_depends_indep : (vpkg * (bool * architecture) list) list list;
-        build_conflicts : (vpkg * (bool * architecture) list) list;
+        version :               version;
+        binary :                vpkg list;
+        build_depends :         (vpkg * (bool * architecture) list) list list;
+        build_depends_indep :   (vpkg * (bool * architecture) list) list list;
+        build_conflicts :       (vpkg * (bool * architecture) list) list;
         build_conflicts_indep : (vpkg * (bool * architecture) list) list;
-        architecture : architecture list
+        architecture :          architecture list;
+        md5sums:                (md5sum * file_size * filename) list;
+        sha1:                   (sha1   * file_size * filename) list;
+        sha256:                 (sha256 * file_size * filename) list;
+        directory:              filename;
+        section:                string;
   let parse_name = parse_package
-  let parse_arch s = Str.split (Str.regexp " ") s
+  let parse_arch s = List.filter (( <> ) "") (String.nsplit s " ")
   let parse_version s = parse_version s
   let parse_binary s = parse_vpkglist parse_constr s
   let parse_cnf s = parse_vpkgformula parse_builddeps s
   let parse_conj s = parse_vpkglist parse_builddeps s
+  let parse_cksum lst = 
+    List.fold_left 
+      (fun acc line ->
+         match List.filter ((<>) "") (String.nsplit line " ") with
+           | cksum :: sz :: tl ->
+               (cksum, Int64.of_string sz, (String.concat " " tl))
+               :: acc
+           | _ ->
+               acc)
+      []
+      (List.rev lst)
   (* Relationships between source and binary packages
    * Build-Depends, Build-Depends-Indep, Build-Conflicts, Build-Conflicts-Indep
@@ -103,6 +146,7 @@ struct
   let parse_sources_fields par =
     let parse_s f field = f (single_line field (List.assoc field par)) in
     let parse_m f field = f (String.concat " " (List.assoc field par)) in
+    let parse_l f field = f (List.assoc field par) in
     let exec () =
         name                  = parse_s parse_name    "package";
@@ -113,6 +157,11 @@ struct
         build_depends_indep   = default [] parse_m parse_cnf  
         build_conflicts       = default [] parse_m parse_conj 
         build_conflicts_indep = default [] parse_m parse_conj 
+        md5sums               = default [] parse_l parse_cksum "files";
+        sha1                  = default [] parse_l parse_cksum 
+        sha256                = default [] parse_l parse_cksum 
+        directory             = parse_s String.strip "directory";
+        section               = parse_s String.strip "section";
@@ -121,13 +170,56 @@ struct
         None (* this package doesn't either have version, arch or name *)
   (** parse a debian Sources file from channel *)
-  let parse ch =
+  let parse f ch =
     let parse_packages = 
       parse_822_iter parse_sources_fields 
-        (fun i -> i)
+        f
         (start_from_channel ch)
+  let filename t ft = 
+    let test =
+      match ft with 
+        | `Dsc -> 
+            fun s ->
+              String.ends_with s ".dsc" 
+        | `Tarball ->
+            fun s ->
+              (not 
+                 (String.ends_with s ".debian.tar.gz" ||
+                  String.ends_with s ".debian.tar.bz2"))
+              &&
+              (String.ends_with s ".tar.gz" ||
+               String.ends_with s ".tar.bz2")
+        | `Diff ->
+            fun s ->
+              String.ends_with s ".diff.gz" ||
+              String.ends_with s ".debian.tar.gz" ||
+              String.ends_with s ".debian.tar.bz2"
+        | `Other fn ->
+            ( = ) fn
+    in
+    let md5sum, sz, fn = 
+      List.find (fun (_, _, fn) -> test fn) t.md5sums
+    in
+    let find acc f fld = 
+      try 
+        let digest, _, _ = 
+          List.find (fun (_, _, fn') -> fn = fn') fld
+        in
+          (f digest) :: acc
+      with Not_found ->
+        acc
+    in
+    let digests = [`MD5Sum md5sum] in
+    let digests = find digests (fun d -> `Sha1 d) t.sha1 in
+    let digests = find digests (fun d -> `Sha256 d) t.sha256 in
+      fn, sz, digests
 module Binary = 
@@ -364,3 +456,60 @@ end
 module Changelog = DFChangelog
+module Watch = DFWatch
+module URI =
+  type uri = string
+  type mirror = uri 
+  type dist = string
+  type section = [`Main | `Contrib | `NonFree]
+  (**/**)
+  let concat uri1 uri2 = 
+    match String.ends_with uri1 "/", String.starts_with uri2 "/" with 
+      | true, true ->
+          uri1 ^ (String.lchop uri2)
+      | false, true
+      | true, false ->
+          uri1 ^ uri2
+      | false, false ->
+          uri1 ^ "/" ^ uri2
+  let rec concat_lst = 
+    function
+      | uri1 :: uri2 :: tl ->
+          concat_lst ((concat uri1 uri2) :: tl)
+      | [uri] ->
+          uri
+      | [] ->
+          ""
+  let string_of_section =
+    function
+      | `Main -> "main"
+      | `Contrib -> "contrib"
+      | `NonFree -> "non-free"
+  (**/**)
+  let sources mirror dist section =
+    concat_lst
+      [
+        mirror;
+        "dists";
+        dist;
+        string_of_section section;
+        "source/Sources.bz2"
+      ]
+  let pool mirror src fn = 
+    concat_lst 
+      [
+        mirror;
+        fn;
+      ]
diff --git a/test/data/watch.oasis b/test/data/watch.oasis
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5943512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/watch.oasis
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ .*/oasis-(\d.*)\.tar\.gz
+# Upstream darcs repository:
diff --git a/test/data/watch.obus b/test/data/watch.obus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1a952c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/watch.obus
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+opts="uversionmangle=s/rc/~rc/" \
+ .*/obus-(.*)\.tar\.gz
+# Upstream darcs repository:
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index a7b4228..4708284 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -50,6 +50,22 @@ let tests =
+   "Watch">:::
+   ( 
+      (fun (fn, f) ->
+         fn >::
+         with_fn fn
+           (fun ch ->
+              f (Watch.parse ch)))
+      [
+        "watch.oasis",
+        (fun lst ->
+           List.iter prerr_endline lst);
+        "watch.obus",
+        (fun lst ->
+           List.iter prerr_endline lst);
+      ]);

ocaml-debian-formats packaging

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