Andreas Beckmann writes:

> On 2016-09-27 12:12, bret curtis wrote:
>> To put it simply, upstream (OpenMW) has no plans to support GLESv2 at
>> this time. Since OSG-3.4 for armhf is compiled only for GLESv2, this
>> complicates things drastically and at this point I'm in over my head.
> IIRC, quite some packages have been removed from arm* over the last year
> that require Desktop OpenGL and don't work with "just" GLES.
> I just cannot remember (or find) concrete examples.
> So openmw is probably another RM candidate.

I agree with that.  As far as I know, Desktop OpenGL is not usually
hardware-accelerated on those SOC platforms, so having OpenMW available
there would be a moot point.



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