On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 11:20 PM, David Paleino <da...@debian.org> wrote:
> On IRC where? :)

irc.oftc.net #debian-gis

> Nothing, this mail is sufficient :)
> That bug just slipped through tons of other mails. Today I was working a bit 
> to
> get the new OpenLayers in Debian; I will have a look at Marcelo's repo as 
> well.
> Thanks for your ping :)
> David

Okay, in the future I'll email the maintainer like this email. I just
didn't want to make more email than needed or to be nagging the
maintainer to fix/address it when they are already aware of the
problem though the bug report.

Thanks for updating the package now. Seeing it push out revives my
motivation to find, report and fix more bugs.

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