Hi Felipe,

Thank you for your reply!

A few days ago I noticed that my headset now works, so I am no
longer able to reproduce this issue. Sorry I forgot to update this
bug report.

It may have been Disable=Socket that fixed it. In retrospect I
realize that I may have fiddled with that setting before filing my
bug report, but didn't think to restart bluetoothd. I remember
restarting pulseaudio many times, but perhaps I forgot to restart
bluetoothd. ``uptime`` reports my last reboot as being
conspicuously between my bug report and when I notice my headset
working again.

Sorry I cannot be more help.

If grepping around for "module-bluetooth-device.so" and
"module-bluez5-device.so" doesn't turn up anything useful, then I
suppose this bug should be closed. Your call.


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