Sure. I've just been trying to find some Ruby desktop app that is available as 
a Debian package as a reference but I'm not aware of any. Could someone 
recommend one? Preferable something with a non-web GUI (ie. something with Qt, 
GTK, etc would be nice to study).

I'll look at the git-buildpackage, thanks.

But let's say my package is installing using setup.rb (as recommended here, how does setup.rb 
relate to creating a debian package? Can use setup.rb somehow to create a 
debian package?

Thanks for all the help folks, especially Ondrej for the efforts!

Kind regards,

On Wednesday 26 August 2009 16:31:52 Ondřej Surý wrote:
> Declan,
> you know how I start when I am new somewhere? I take some existing
> package and look how it's done, ie. analyze debian/ directory, patch
> system used (I start to like quilt). Also I recommend you to look at
> git-buildpackage, it's also nice piece of software though
> pkg-ruby-extra uses svn to keep packages in.
> Ondrej

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