reassign 653582 ruby1.9.1
retitle 653582 Segfaults when running ruby-hpricot's test suite


I do not have access to IA64 hardware, but this smells much like a bug
in Ruby itself, in which ruby-hpricot's tests trip. I think the proper
course is to report this to the upstream bugtracker, but they request
the verbose output from the interpreter.

I don't have a proper build environment so I can try this. Please try:

- Build the package until the point it breaks at
- Run the test that failed manually:
  $ ruby1.9.1 -v -I test/ -I debian/ruby-hpricot/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/ 

Ruby1.9.1 maintainers: Can I entrust you the assessing and forwarding
of this bug (as you will surely be better fitted to judge it than me)?

Just FWIW, here is the output on my system (AMD64):

$ ruby1.9.1 -v -I test/ -I debian/ruby-hpricot/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/ 
ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux]
 warning: assigned but unused variable - i
 warning: (...) interpreted as grouped expression
 warning: assigned but unused variable - oop
 warning: assigned but unused variable - links
 warning: assigned but unused variable - idx
/tmp/ruby-hpricot-0.8.5/test/load_files.rb:2: warning: setting 
Loaded suite test/test_preserved

Finished in 0.406052506 seconds.

6 tests, 5950 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 
100% passed

14.78 tests/s, 14653.28 assertions/s

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