[please always CC the bug number] You are all over the place now. So, what is this bug report about actually?
Am 01.09.22 um 21:06 schrieb Harald Bergmann:
Hello Michael,after some testing things have cleared up much, but there is still a bug in systemd, but only related to error message selection.First some facts by testing: * Now I agree that neither o ExecStartPre=+mkdir -p /run/foo ; +chown michael /run/foo - nor o distributing on multiple ExecStartPre commands have a problem on command access. o Assuming that there would have been a workaround like using „/bin/mkdir“ was an illusion. * Service start manually always operated - preparing the illusion, that the workaround helped. * Service autostart on boot always failed independent of workaround or command distribution. * Main error by me was a wrong [Install] statement: o WantedBy=multi*.*user.target + Correcting this to "WantedBy=multi*-*user.target“ results to a well auto-starting service. * Still existing error on systemd operation is the result of command: o sudo systemd-analyze verify calendarserver.service + calendarserver.service: Command mkdir is not executable: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden + This happens always, even if manual- and auto-start operate well, and even if folder does not exists and „mkdir“ really need to act. + Hence the error detection and message is simply wrong. o Even worse is the fact, that this wrong message prevents telling the real error position, probably by dropping further examination after this first error-misinterpretation appears. o Hence I like to ask you for looking after the error generation method.Finally here is the now operating service configuration for being complete regarding your demands:# Adaptation of some automatically generated configuration by systemd-sysv-generator. [Unit] Documentation=man:caldavd Description=LSB: Calendar and Contacts Server Before=multi-user.target Before=graphical.target After=network-online.target After=remote-fs.target Wants=network-online.target Requires=postgresql.service [Service] Type=forking PIDFile=/run/caldavd/caldavd.pid WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/caldavd User=caldavd Group=caldavd Restart=always TimeoutSec=10min IgnoreSIGPIPE=no SuccessExitStatus=5 6 ExecStartPre=+mkdir -p /run/caldavd ; +chown -R caldavd:caldavd /run/caldavd ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/caldavd -u caldavd -g caldavd [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target Many thanks for your patience and support! Best regards, HaraldAm 01.09.2022 um 12:27 schrieb Michael Biebl <bi...@debian.org <mailto:bi...@debian.org>>:Am 01.09.22 um 12:08 schrieb Harald Bergmann:Hello Michael, thanks for your teaching!Please open a bug report for updating „man systemd.service“ accordingly regarding section „COMMAND LINES“ starting from line 963.Many thanks for your support!I stand corrected. That said, I still can't reproduce the bug report: # cat test.service [Unit] Description=test [Service] Type=oneshot User=michael ExecStartPre=echo foo ; echo bar ExecStartPre=+mkdir -p /run/foo ; +chown michael /run/foo ExecStart=/bin/true # systemctl status test.service ● test.service - test Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/test.service; static) Active: inactive (dead) Sep 01 10:56:05 raspberrypi-ka systemd[1]: Starting Test... Sep 01 10:56:05 raspberrypi-ka echo[2432]: Hello World Sep 01 10:56:05 raspberrypi-ka systemd[1]: test.service: Succeeded. Sep 01 10:56:05 raspberrypi-ka systemd[1]: Finished Test. Sep 01 12:25:12 raspberrypi-ka systemd[1]: Starting test... Sep 01 12:25:12 raspberrypi-ka echo[3675]: foo Sep 01 12:25:12 raspberrypi-ka echo[3676]: bar Sep 01 12:25:13 raspberrypi-ka systemd[1]: test.service: Succeeded. Sep 01 12:25:13 raspberrypi-ka systemd[1]: Finished test. # ls -ld /run/foo/ drwxr-xr-x 2 michael root 40 1. Sep 10:56 /run/foo/Maybe it would help if you posted a complete service file and complete error messages.
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