On Mon, 2022-09-26 at 17:54 +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Sadly I've only enabled verbose bootstrapping today, but at least I
> did that now
> so you can look at
> https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_cdebootstrap_unstable/40/consoleFull
> and maybe actually understand the problem:

There is this warning:

| W: resolver (perl:any): package doesn't exist

Which looks like cdebootstrap doesn't handle the multi-arch qualifier
(in usrmerge's Depends field), then fails to install usrmerge (as
dependency of init-system-helpers) and thus init-system-helpers.

I guess the last one missing causes this:

> (
> https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_cdebootstrap_bullseye/30/c
> onsole
> is a verbose build too.)
> So I *guess* this is the place it breaks:
> /var/lib/dpkg/info/dpkg.postinst: 115: deb-systemd-helper: not found
> /var/lib/dpkg/info/dpkg.postinst: 118: deb-systemd-helper: not found
> /var/lib/dpkg/info/dpkg.postinst: 125: deb-systemd-helper: not found
> P: Configuring package dpkg

We had a similar problem with base-installer (used as an implementation
detail of debootstrap in d-i):


Which has a patch available:



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