clone 1059995 -1
reopen -1
reassign -1 systemd
found -1 systemd/254.3-1
forwarded -1

Dear systemd Packagers,

Paul Gevers noted that src:pdns's autopkgtests fail every so often
on a large amd64 debci worker and on s390x workers. Apparently a
similar problem can be seen in src:pdns-recursor's debci runs.

As there is no pdns(-recursor) code running at this point, this
seems to be a problem somewhere in the space of systemd <> lxc <>
apparmor <> kernel.

I've opened a bug with systemd upstream, unfortunately with very
little info as I don't know how to provide additional info from
within a debci run. Help with providing additional info would be
very welcome.


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