Am 13.03.2015 um 22:18 schrieb Stefano Zacchiroli:
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 10:06:42PM +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> So, it would be immensly helpful, if someone can provide me with a
>> detailed description of his network setup (what interfaces are managed
>> by NetworkManager, what by ifupdown, what's the individual configuration
>> and available interfaces, etc.).
>> Then the exact circumstances, when this happens and if this happens
>> reliably and how it can be triggered.
> Hey Michael, I've since then commented out the following lines in my
> /etc/network/interfaces:
>   # # The primary network interface
>   # allow-hotplug eth0
>   # iface eth0 inet dhcp
>   # # This is an autoconfigured IPv6 interface
>   # iface eth0 inet6 auto
> after doing that I've not been able to reproduce this bug.
> Not sure if this info helps or not...

Well, this sounds like you have an eth0 configuration, which is enabled
always, even if there is not link. Eventually, dhclient times out and
you get a link-local address and most likely, the default route is set
via eth0.

I don't see that as a bug in NM, or do you disagree?
On could argue, that this is a misconfiguration and you should use
ifplugd to activate your connection when a link is available, or teach
ifup to fail if there is no link (or simply use NM for eth0 as well).


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universe are pointed away from Earth?

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