2017-01-17 18:30 GMT+01:00 Jens Reyer <jre.wine...@gmail.com>:
> [...]
> I can now see wine in the GNOME Software Center, but only if wine is
> installed.  So I assume the metainfo from the new appstream.xml is
> evaluated locally, but doesn't make it in the distro-wide AppStream dataset.
> Assuming this is the case, I assume it is because of the missing desktop
> file. The appstream-generator shows the following error on
> https://appstream.debian.org/sid/main/issues/wine.html:
> ~~~~~
> Hints for wine in main
> org.winehq.wine
> Errors
> missing-desktop-file:
> Found an AppStream metainfo XML file, but the associated .desktop file
> is missing. This often happens when the .desktop file is renamed, but
> the <id/> tag of the AppStream metainfo file is not adapted as well, or
> if the metainfo file is located in a different package than the .desktop
> file.
> Please fix the packaging or work with upstream to resolve this issue.
> ~~~~~
> Did I understand you correctly previously that in your opinion this
> should work, and thus needs fixing in AppStream (appstream-generator?),
> but not in Wine?

Yes. I resolved this in appstream-generator, and it works for Wine - I
hope I didn't break anything else (but all tests completed and things
look good). 

> Besides that GNOME Software Center indeed now has a "Launch" button for
> wine, which obviously doesn't work. But you already said that you're
> discussing this with Richard Hughes, so I assume there's nothing we
> (Wine) can do about this.

No - unfortunately, resolving this will require quite a bit of effort,
and will definitely not be ready for Stretch. So, my options are
disallow this feature (and thereby dropping other apps from the data
too, not just Wine) or living with this papercut. Maybe a workaround
can be implemented in GS, but until then I expect this to be broken -
I think having more apps is more important than having this feature
always working. I am not happy with this state though.

Anyway, Wine is now in the metadata, and after the next dinstall run
it should show up in GNOME Software.


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