On Fri, 2006-10-06 at 09:19 +1000, Alexander Samad wrote:
> Created my own custom menu, when i try and edit it either from the
> desktop or from a cmdline 
>  xfce4-menueditor .config/xfce4/desktop/programing.xml

I can reproduce this from the commandline (the menu opened
is .config/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml which is the "default" menu).

But when xfce4-menueditor is launched, I can open every menu I want,
using the "Open" menu item.
> xfce4-menueditor brings up the default menu.
> Also  xfce4-menueditor will not let you open a directory with a . in
> the
> begining  

Hmmh, I can't understand this. When you run xfce4-menueditor (at leat
here), it opens .config/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml which is indeed a
directory with a . at the beginning.


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