Package: thunar
Version: 0.9.0-5
Severity: wishlist

I would like to ask you to improve the send-to menu of Thunar a bit:

1. /usr/share/Thunar/sendto/thunar-sendto-email.desktop has
Icon=internet-mail, but there is no such icon on my system. After an
apt-file search for it, I found it in the non-free tango-icon-theme and
in gnome-accessibility-themes, which both don't fit into my system.
Instead, I think. stock_mailto from xfce4-icon-theme should be used.

2. See the three attached .desktop files which should go
to /usr/share/Thunar/sendto/. They are based on the ideas at but slightly
modified (removed Version and Encoding field, added a TryExec to show
the item only if the tool is installed).
bluetooth-sendto: send the file via bluetooth (bluez-gnome package)
gnome-obex-send: send the file via bluetooth (gnome-bluetooth package)
xfprint: print the file via xfprint4

TIA and kind regards
Evgeni Golov

PS: if you have any objections, kick Zhenech from #debian-xfce :)

Attachment: bluetooth-sendto.desktop
Description: Binary data

Attachment: gnome-obex-send.desktop
Description: Binary data

Attachment: xfprint.desktop
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pgpevVY672dmF.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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