More observations:

Drawing by svg::paint yields too large a view on the panel (where one cannot 
adjust the plasmoid size). When I used that, I shrunk the rectangle to 80%. 
When I used kicon.::paint for the same svgz, I did not need to adjust the 

Some plasmoids available in repositories or installable from the add widget 

I tried one of the system monitor bar-graphs. The old panel applet looked 
nicer but this is a matter of taste. He had a little space between the bars. 
Putting this on the panel makes it uncomfortably large. 80% would improve it 
but again, a matter of taste.

There is a dual-plot network traffic plasmoid. Knemo can also put up a plot--
if I want it. Otherwise, it has a simple iconic representation of traffic. The 
plasmoid might be a decent size on the panel but would take up too much room 
so I put it on the desktop and shrunk it down. The reduced pixeling interfers 
with the plots. This one might be better as a single dual line plot like 
knemo's so one would keep it a bit larger. (Additonally, one can click on and 
off a textual statistics box but it is not in sync with the plots which lag 
quite a bit behind. Knemo does this in a tool tip but that view is not 

The other one I tried is the quick-access plasmoid. This one is using the icon 
widget so sits nicely on the panel and responds to a proper click, not a 
press. This one is useful because it is quicker than bringing up a full 
dolphin. It could use some drag-and-drop capabilities.
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