On Wednesday 27 May 2009, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 May 2009 19:11:09 Marco Martin wrote:
> > On Tuesday 26 May 2009, Artur Souza(MoRpHeUz) wrote:
> > > Yesterday's night I committed the first code regarding plasma on
> > > netbooks. I just created the SAL (search and launch) containment basic
> > > files with place holders (just to have something :P ). You can find it
> > > in playground/plasma/netbook/ .
> trying it now :)
> > neat :)
> > (i think i'll make some simple stupid panel applets here)
> > aaand maybe move shells/plasma-mid under netbook/shell?
> Did we discuss the difference between internet tablets and netbook yet?
> (internet tablet being an N810 for example, netbook in the range of an Asus
> Eee PC or Acer One).
> The more I think about it, the more differences I see that warrant
> different containments:
> - input: netbooks are likely to have a mouse and a semi-usable keyboard,
> MID have near-unusable keyboard (maybe even onscreen) and more like a 
> screen - screen space: netbooks are going down until 567 (one of those HP
> things apparently), MID probably even smaller (and you still need larger
> hit areas than on netbooks b/c of input
yeah, different containments/applets setup would be needed, probably 
something could be recycled as is tough:
the shell and the SAL (well, probably it would look pretty much like a full 
screen iphoneish icon grid probably :p)
and the "apps" would pretty much be fullscreen plasmoids (something like 
kontact on a 3" display hmm, maybe not :p)

> - hardware resources: performance on netbooks is already OK, while MID is a
> bit slow last time I tried.
yeah, is needed stuff way faster than an 810 (will the n900 be enough? will be 
interesting to try :p)

another thing potentially tricky is that netbook are pretty open, i.e is easy 
to install anything you like on them, while on mids is probably not always 
guarantee, n810 is relatively hack friendly, but don't know about stuff by 
other producers, how feasible is to install something else

anyways, i suppose tiny mids can wait for now, since targetting netbooks looks 
way more realistic for now (and once we have one i think adapting it won't be 
really hard software wise)

> IMO it would make sense to concentrate on one of those two. Targeting a
> netbook is likely to be more realistic.
> > > More information here:
> > > http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/Plasma-MID

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