2009/7/22 Artur Souza (MoRpHeUz) <morph...@openbossa.org>

> Hi Celeste!
> On Wednesday 22 July 2009, 12:28 Celeste Lyn Paul wrote:
> > Looks like a good proposal; however, we have some questions before we can
> > make a decision. We would like to see 1 or 2 new people attend this
> > meeting. From the list on techbase, everyone looks familiar. Do you have
> > any new people you have invited or plan to invite who may not be on the
> > list? Fresh blood is one of the things we to see for funded Developer
> > Sprints.
> That's true and it's awesome that you remembered about this :). We have
> GSoC
> students like Diego and Ana that have never been to a developer sprint
> before.
> Ana was in Akademy and Diego couldn't go to Akademy and it's probably worth
> it
> checking with him about his availability for Tokamak (I'm ccing him).
> Diego,
> are there any chances that it would be possible for you to attend Tokamak ?

Hi Artur, thanks a lot for asking for our attendance =)
I just sent some emails to my lecturers because usually, in september, there
a "special exam session" ( before the new academic year ). As soon as they
reply to me, I'll confirm my participation !!

> It would also be great to have Ana there as she is mentored by Ivan who is
> coming too. The problem with bringing brazilians is that it tends to be
> expensive and that includes me too. But it would be awesome to have her
> working
> on her project with her mentor during Tokamak (the same apply for Diego as
> he's
> working on Plasmate and his mentors - me and Ricardo - will be there too).

That's a wonderful news !
I really hope to attend this Tokamak so I can meet you, at last =)
( even at the cost to bring some books with me! )

> From what I've heard about Ana, as she is a student, there is no way for
> her to
> pay any amount of the air tickets, so we would need 100% sponsorship for
> her if
> she is available. Unfortunately, I also can't afford more than 20% of the
> price
> of the ticket and that increases a little bit the cost of the whole thing
> (making some "head-math" I would say that from 3015 EUR we would go to ~
> 4115
> EUR just for air tickets to have both students there).
> What do you think Celeste ?
> Cheers!
> PS: I'm ccing the students to know if they're available on the dates.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Artur Duque de Souza
> openBossa Research Labs
> INdT - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Blog: http://blog.morpheuz.cc
> PGP: 0xDBEEAAC3 @ wwwkeys.pgp.net
> --------------------------------------------------------------
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