I was just playing around with Plasmate and it crashed when it exited. From
the backtrace, I found how to reproduce-

1. Run plasmate and open/create any project
2. Goto the Publish tab , a text editor kpart is displayed.
3. Goto Edit tab and select New.. from any node in the tree displayed.
4. Close Plasmate, crash.

This happens because at exit, we try to delete the text editor kpart
allocated in step2. But, when a new kpart is created and set as the central
widget in step3, mainwindow auto deletes the old text kpart of step2. And,
we try to delete that again at time of exit.
This can be solved easily by checking the above situation. But, the reason
why I'm mailing is that is the text Kpart necessary in the Publish tab? I
don't think that is what the Publish tab was meant to be.
So, is it OK to remove the "text kpart loading on Publish tab" behavior and
leave it to just "Publish widget goes here" until it gets implemented?

Shantanu Tushar    (UTC +0530)
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